
Wednesday, August 29, 2018: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Crystal 1&2 (Grand Sierra)

Level of Course: Entry

How do they do it?  How do Chapters earn awards like Distinguished Chapter Recognition, Chapter Communication Program of the Year, and Chapter of the Year?  How do individuals earn Distinguished Service Recognition or HazMat Professional of the Year?  What do they DO?  Attend this first-of-its-kind session to hear directly from award recipients how they did it:  what kinds of activities they host or participate in (and how to find them!), how to maintain a dynamic website, the nature and depth of their social media participation, and how to document it all for the nomination submittal.  This and previous years’ award recipients are invited to share their ideas and experiences with you so that you and your chapter can earn recognition and the esteem of your fellow AHMP members.
Linda Lawhorn
  • Distinguished Service Award.pdf (150.1 kB)