Redbook Overview: Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures

Tuesday, August 29, 2017: 9:15 AM-10:15 AM
Stockyards 1 (Omni Fort Worth)

Level of Course: Mid

The "Redbook" is the standard in industry for hazards analyses. "The Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures", 3rd Edition is published by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). The course will provide an overview of the Redbook methodologies for performing hazards analyses. Hazard Analysis is a systematic approach to identifying, analyzing, and controlling hazards. Some Hazard Analysis techniques also integrate the element of risk to further evaluate the effectiveness of controls and the levels of both unmitigated and residual risk. Because there are many different applications for Hazard Analysis, it is not surprising the Hazard Analysis process comes in many different shapes and sizes. A common thread between all Hazard Analysis techniques is the integration of two fundamental elements: 1) Hazard Identification, and 2) Hazard Evaluation. Just as the Hazard Analysis process is varied, so are the resources that outline and discuss this discipline. This presentation will provide a high-level overview of the Hazard Analysis concept, outline several commonly used Hazard Analysis techniques, and give selection criteria on how to choose an appropriate Hazard Analysis technique. Course Outline
• Hazard Analysis Concept and Techniques
• Methodologies for Performing Hazard Analysis
• Choose an Appropriate HA Techniques
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion, participants will be able to:

• Use the Redbook as standard for performing hazards analyses. 
• Describe the selection of the hazard evaluation (HE) techniques. 
• Provide the process of hazards analyses with the limitations of the various HE techniques.

Participants should ideally have/bring a copy of the Redbook.
Kelsey Forde, CIH, CHMM
  • Tuesday 915 AM- Redbook Overview Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures Session_Rev0.pdf (1.8 MB)