Building Strong National Teams

Monday, September 16, 2013: 2:40 PM-3:40 PM
Celebration 7 (Peabody Orlando)

Level of Course: Mid

Building and growing national project teams can be both challenging and rewarding.  Communication is key, especially with different office locations, time zones and schedules.  In addition, understanding the different talents and strengths within the team are important.  Sharing a common project goal, while recognizing and developing individual career goals is also vital.  Organization of multiple skill and professional levels including administrative, technical and managerial staff plays a part in team dynamics.  Beyond group dynamics, individual attention and strengthening is also important to ensure focus on goals, progress, challenges and opportunities.  Encouragement to take on new challenges, more responsibilities and professional development is important.   A strong team provides leadership to support its members, encouraging career development with professional alliances and certifications.

This presentation will focus on topics such as:

  • Communication
  • Utilizing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Team
  • Goal Setting
  • Team-building Events
  • Synergizing

Examples will be given from large commercial projects performing multi-faceted environmental design, licensing and regulatory compliance work, as well as from a Technical Leadership Mentoring Program used for career development and employee retention.

Linda Gardiner, CHMM and Rachel Fields, P.G., CHMM
  • Building Strong National Teams.pdf (382.1 kB)