Supervisors; Solution or Part of the Problem

Monday, September 16, 2013: 4:25 PM-5:25 PM
Bayhill 24 (Peabody Orlando)

Level of Course: Entry

Proactive companies view supervisors as an extension of the safety process and understand that true safety responsibility is a function of line management.  However, most companies do not recognize this valuable person and elect not to spend the time, money, or energy to properly prepare them to move from working with thier tools to leading people.  As a result they continue to promote workers without the proper training or knowledge and continue to wonder why cannot improve safety performance.  Great supervisors actively care for their workers, know their responsiblities and perform thier function as a professional.  This, in turn, results in better safety performance, increased productivity, low tuneover and higher morale. This session will focus on the areas where supervisors can have the great impact on both employees and the bottom line.
Eddie Greer, CSP, OHST STS
  • 425pm 091613 Bayhill 24 Supervisors - AHMP 2013.pdf (1.8 MB)