Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards – In-depth discussion (Part 2)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010: 1:45 PM-2:25 PM
Vinings II (The Westin Peachtree Plaza)
To date, over 4000 facilities have received a final tier notice, which, in accordance with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards requires these facilities to submit a site security plan.  DHS has reviewed over 2500 of these site security plans, and have often found deficiencies, particularly in the level of detail, which has led to many facilities not receiving a letter of authorization for their Site Security Plans.  Therefore, DHS has provided guidance regarding the level of detail necessary in these plans, including the description of security measures, and completeness of the submittal. In addition, DHS launched pre-authorization inspections earlier this year to assist facilities in reviewing their plans prior to submittal. Today, we will provide more details on the actions you can take as you prepare to submit your site security plan along with avenues of support DHS can provide to your organization.
John Farrell , Ted Cromwell and Andrew Balter