Risk Management of Refractory Ceramic Fiber Through Product Stewardship

Monday, September 13, 2010: 10:15 AM-10:55 AM
International H (The Westin Peachtree Plaza)
The leading North American manufacturers of refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) developed a comprehensive Product Stewardship Program (PSP) over a decade ago to assist customers and end-users with the risk management of RCF and other high temperature insulating fibers.  The Refractory Ceramic Fibers Coalition (RCFC) PSP takes a multi-faceted approach to managing risks associated with RCF while at the same time promoting the energy saving “green” properties achieved when using these materials. 

This poster presentation will inform attendees of the history, uses and health concerns of RCF and describe the seven key elements which make-up the Product Stewardship Program for example: industrial hygiene sampling, worker training, and evaluation of workplace controls.  Illustrating the reduction of airborne fiber exposures in the workplace will also show the success of the PSP through the years. 

The presentation will also detail partnerships the RCFC developed and actions taken including the EPA Consent Order (1993-1998), University of Cincinnati Health Studies (ongoing), PSP 2002 agreement with OSHA (2002-2006), Environment Canada Fence Line Monitoring (2007-2011), PSP 2007 agreement with OSHA (2007-2011), CalOSHA Exposure Limit for RCF (2010) and EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals” (REACH) regulation (2009).

Patrick Snodgrass, CHMM, CSP