GHS and HazCom - Navigating a Course for Compliance

Tuesday, August 26, 2014: 2:10 PM-3:10 PM
Celestin B (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)

Level of Course: Entry

The GHS tidal wave has hit more than 5 million workplaces covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA’s) Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom). Two years into the GHS transition, companies are still unclear about the new requirements for hazardous chemical labeling, safety data sheet (SDS) formatting, and training under the revised standard. Join us for a brief review of HazCom and what’s changed as a result of GHS adoption, the common questions environmental, health and safety professionals are asking, and how you can navigate a course of compliance for your workplace in preparation for the next series of deadlines.
Chuck Haling