To submit an abstract by the deadline, please read the track description underneath each track hyperlink and select the corresponding track below.
Individuals who wish to present at AHMP 2020 are encouraged to submit an abstract of up to 250 words along with a 50-word author/presenter biography. Each abstract will be considered for a 60-120 minute technical session or an interactive roundtable discussion. A limited number of round tables or panels discussions may be offered.
Instructors who wish to present a preconference workshop may submit a proposal with a course description, 50-word instructor bio(s), proposed length of course, level of course or necessary prerequisites, materials or equipment.
The abstracts - limited to 250 words in length - must include a clear description of the technical session or preconference workshop. The following information is required to complete the online submission:
Abstract deadline: April 10, 2020 at 11:59 PM ET
Notification of Acceptance: Notifications will go out in April 2020
For help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support.
If you have already submitted an abstract title you may log in below using the abstract id number and password already provided to you:
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Plan to attend and to take an active part in AHMP 2020, the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals® National Conference. The event is the environmental, health, safety, security (EHS&S); hazardous materials and waste management industry's essential forum for national and international information exchange and networking.
This four-day conference features:
Present your innovative ideas, professional experiences and case studies, and explore recent developments, emerging issues, regulatory updates and trends in environmental, health, safety, security, hazardous materials and waste management.