Benefits & Strategies of Integrated Management Systems

Monday, August 27, 2018: 10:15 AM-11:15 AM
Carson 1 (Grand Sierra)

Level of Course: Mid

This technical presentation addresses the issues encountered since the dawn of management systems in business.  How do I get people outside my department to care about the requirements of my management system?  The answer - integrate them!  Create a culture where the majority of the people in your organization have "a dog in the hunt". 

This course will endeavor to identify the benefits of integrating management systems using examples including environmental, health & safety and quality management systems.  The technical presentation will discuss strategies for aligning various management systems and tactics to use during registration audits.

Our goal at the end of our technical session is to arm our participants with information, tools and ideas to improve the ways in which management systems function within their organization.

Jennifer Koenig, CHMM
  • Benefits and Strategies of Integrating QMS and EMS.pdf (138.9 kB)