Sandra Owens, CSP, CHMM

Senior Professional
Geosyntec Consultants
900 Broken Sound Parkway NW
Boca Raton FLUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Sandy Owens, CHMM, CSP, is a Senior Professional with Geosyntec Consultants with over 20 years of experience in environmental, health & safety (EHS) compliance. Sandy has technical expertise in Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Program (RMP) compliance including auditing; leading process hazard analyses (PHA) using HAZOP and What-If/Checklist methodologies; preparing RMP submissions; program development, and training. In addition, she provides assistance with related regulatory audits, participation in negotiations with regulators, and support for attorneys involved in these processes. She also has experience with general EHS compliance auditing; Tier II submissions; EHS risk assessments evaluating aspects and impacts using risk matrices; Oil Pollution Prevention regulations; and comprehensive RCRA waste management for operating facilities.