The New TSCA: What it Means to You

Monday, August 28, 2017: 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Sundance 3 (Omni Fort Worth)

Level of Course: Mid

The New TSCA: What it Means to You

At the AHMP 2016 National Conference, the speaker delivered a presentation entitled, “TSCA Reform Legislation Enacted…Finally.”  That presentation focused on amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) made by the newly-enacted Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (LCSA).

Since then, a lot has happened.  First of all, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working diligently to implement the provisions of the LCSA.  In addition, a new administration has taken over in Washington.  Moreover, that new administration has called for significant cuts to EPA’s budget and staffing.  Nonetheless, EPA Administrator E. Scott Pruitt stated, during his Senate confirmation hearing, that implementing the amended TSCA would be a priority for EPA.

Actions taken by EPA to implement the TSCA, as amended by the LCSA, will potentially impact all organizations that manufacture, import, process, use, or distribute chemical substances, mixtures thereof, or articles containing chemical substances or mixtures.  Accordingly, this presentation will provide busy hazardous materials professionals with a summary of significant new developments, as well as their practical implications.  In so doing, it will enable them to determine whether or not and how these developments will impact them in their current roles within their organizations.  It will also provide those who will be impacted with important information, including statutory and regulatory deadlines; and, it will suggest steps that they should take to ensure compliance with applicable requirements.  Finally, it will provide ample opportunity for questions and answers.

John Kowalski, CHMM