Centralized vs. Decentralized EHS Training

Monday, August 28, 2017: 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Sundance 1 (Omni Fort Worth)

Level of Course: Mid

Decentralized Approach

IMPORTANT: May have co-presentor from Worldwide Food and Beverage Producer?

The predominant approach to  EHS training today is  through a decentralized approach. The Corporate EHS staff,  informs the facilities what training is required, who needs it, & when it needs to be done. The facilities carry out these assignements. This is generally done under the facility manager’s budget. Trainingis conducted by a combination of  local EHS reps., Corporate EHS, and/or local  Training providers. This approach works well for many organizations.

Centralized Customized Corporatewide Training

Organizations that want to make sure that the EHS training provided at every facility, no matter the location, focus on development and delivery of training that will be consistent form one facility to the next. The training has a corporate focus, with the flexibility to adjust for variations and nuances of each facility. The Training is generally provided by the Corporate EHS staff, or outside EHS Training Vendor.

How do you know if Custom Corporate Training might be effective?

 Four questions :

  1. Do your EHS Managers (Corporate or Regional) spend too much time training?
  2. Does the content and quality of EHS training vary from facility-to-facility?
  3. Is adherence to Regulations uneven from facility-to-facility
  4. Do your facilities need more EHS Training support?

Many Corporations are already focusing on a Centralized Corporate wide approach. Some are beginning to look closer at it in order to improve the consistency and reliability of the training. A few are doing so based on necessity, following an OSHS/EPA/DOJ fine, or threat thereof.

Randy Van Dyne, Asst. V.P. All Hazards Training Center at The University of Findlay (30 years) and Jana Gessner, CHMM, CSP