How Hazardous Materials Professionals Can Use Social Media to Increase Public Awareness of the Value of Our Credentials!

Monday, September 16, 2013: 4:25 PM-5:25 PM
Celebration 7 (Peabody Orlando)

Level of Course: Mid

Communicating your expertise through social media, whether it is about indoor air quality, hazardous materials transportation, or environmental remediation, will allow you to achieve greater recognition. Through increased engagement with your audience, you’ll learn about their interests and needs and how you can meet those needs more effectively.

The key to social media success is connecting your message with the “right” people at the "right" time and in the "right" place. This has stepped up the networking game ten-fold (at least in order of magnitude). In today’s business world, sharing your expertise makes you more powerful than ever before. You become known as an “expert”, creating value within your own network and beyond. Learn how to use new social media tools to collectively gain recognition for both your credentials and the hazardous materials profession.

This session will go beyond the basics and present more advanced social networking techniques that will bring you the most ROI on your limited time investment. Learn which tools are growing the fastest, and most importantly, how to increase the public’s awareness of the invaluable work of hazardous materials professionals.

If a tree falls in the woods, but there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? And in today’s hyper connected society, if you aren’t using social media, can you even be sure anyone is listening? One of the major advantages of social media is the instant feedback and engagement with your audience. This can also be one of the most frightening aspects, but it doesn’t have to be!

Heather Coleman, MBA and Richard Cartwright, CHMM, CPIM, PE
  • 9.16 4.25 pm How Hazardous Materials Professionals Can Use Social Media.pdf (779.0 kB)