Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption from Remediation Systems

Tuesday, September 14, 2010: 4:00 PM-4:40 PM
International D (The Westin Peachtree Plaza)
Green practices and sustainability concerns have become part of the landscape of environmental remediation as a result of increasing federal mandates, stakeholder concerns, and  public awareness. Figuring prominently into this analysis are CO2 emissions and energy consumption, both of which can widely vary among the various remedial technologies. Remediation systems are facing increased scrutiny regarding the environmental footprint and legacy they create. Remediation systems can easily emit millions of pounds of CO2 while also consuming enormous quantities of natural resources during the life cycle of such projects.
A calculator is presented allowing quantification of CO2 emissions and energy consumption from several commonly employed  remedial techniques (e.g. dual-phase/multi-phase extraction, air sparging, pump & treat, soil vapor extraction, excavation, and three mobile technologies). This calculator differs from, and is intended to be a complement/alternative to, AFCEE’s Sustainable Remediation Tool (SRT).
CO2 emissions and energy consumption are examined at one site in Newnan, Georgia wherein CO2 emissions and energy consumption were reduced by 70% through the deployment of a mobile remediation system. The cost of this mobile system was approximately 40% less than the permanent (fixed) remediation system design originally proposed for this site.
Nick Athens