Environmental Compliance At Airports, It's Not Just Jet Fuel!

Monday, August 25, 2014: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Celestin A (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)

Level of Course: Entry

When most people think of airport environmental compliance the first thing that comes to mind is fuel. However, compliance at airports is far more diverse than simply SPCC, tanks and NPDES compliance. There is the day to day operation of the airport, as well as challenges such as contamination remediation, sustainability programs, wildlife management, construction oversight and land management. 

Contamination remediation and testing can become a challenge to airport safety if the contamination lies within the airport safety area.  Additionally, sustainability programs, designed to make facilities more efficient by implementing solutions that strike a balance between environmental responsibility and economic prosperity can present issues during execution.  One simple example of this is proper storage and disposal of compact florescent lamps. 

While many outside of the aviation industry might not think so, even programs such as wildlife management and land management touch hazardous materials in some way.  For instance, the pyrotechnics and ammunition used in wildlife management, as well as the herbicide use in land management require proper handling and application on airport property. 

This presentation will acquaint the attendees with all aspects of environmental compliance of Lee County Port Authority’s commercial airport (Southwest Florida International Airport) and general aviation airport (Page Field). The main focus of the session will address aspects of each compliance program that apply directly to hazardous materials management and disposal specifically.

Renee Kwiat, CHMM