Understanding the Land Disposal Restriction Requirements

Monday, August 25, 2014: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Celestin A (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)

Level of Course: Mid

This session is designed to provide instruction in the land disposal restriction (LDR) regulations of 40 CFR 268. Participants will learn the practical details of identifying, documenting, communicating, and managing compliance with LDR rules. Participants will learn the generator’s three key steps for identifying their hazardous waste treatment requirements. In addition, participants will learn about the three types of LDR treatment standards as well as the three alternative treatment standards.

This technical session will review the key recordkeeping requirements for generators including, notifications vs. certifications, LDR determination records, one-time notices to file, and waste analysis plans. Finally, the session will examine the effect of LDR documentation on the TSDF selection process, including the correlation between the LDR recordkeeping requirements and the TSDF waste analysis requirements associate with waste profiling and acceptance [40 CFR 264.13].

Joel Gregier